Trip to the New Town Hall

On 11 December 2024, the bilingual Geography course of the 8th grade, taught by Miss Arnke, visited the New Town Hall in Hannover. The purpose of the trip was to analyse the city’s urban development through four city models representing different historical periods.

We gathered outside the school at 1:30 pm and then walked to the “Ulhornstraße” tram station, where we took the tram to “Aegidientorplatz,” near the New Town Hall. Upon arrival, Miss Arnke explained the rules and introduced our tasks.

Our main goal was to study the four city models located on the first floor, each representing a specific time period:

1. 1689 – The medieval era.

2. 1939 – The industrialized city before WWII.

3. 1945 – The destruction after WWII.

4. The present day – The modern city as it is today.

For each model, we answered 2–3 specific questions and took notes on six topics: urban structure, transportation, architecture, economy, historical challenges, and how Hannover responded to them.

After completing our tasks, we reflected on the city’s development and finished the trip with a class photo in front of the New Town Hall. It was an interesting and fun trip for the course and it enlightened our minds.

(by Ruby and Felix, 8a)

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