IB Theatre / DS 12: Live Theatre!

We recently went with our course to watch at the Schauspielhaus Hannover „NORA – oder wie man Herrenhaus kompostiert“ (by Sivan Ben Yichai). 

The plot is based on the famous „A Doll’s House“ by Henrik Ibsen from 1879. It is considered as a crucial work in the feminist movement, that challenged the traditional roles of men and women in marriage and society. Throughout the years the performances of the play removed minor roles like „A Porter“ or neglected the domestic workers. 

In this version „NORA“ is turned into a play that reveals the challenges of the working class. I think the author Ben Yishai wanted to highlight that all the characters are part of the manor house. The live theatre performance demonstrates that there has to be see more than one key idea that needs to be emphasised for “NORA” or “A Doll’s House”. 

Agnes, 12th grade

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