Grade 12th IB Biology field trip:

ELISA – That’s a first name but it also the acronym for Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay

Our IB Biology class at the Life Science Lab at Helene Lange School

Not long from now in the near future, humans will need to read history books or watch documentaries on how the year 2019 drastically changed the whole world. Not us though!

We all had the unfortunate privilege to experience the effects of Covid-19 first hand. For us students, the video conferences followed by the daily rapid test kits we had to use before leaving the house left an impression we will not forget.

On May 17th 2024, our bilingual biology class was blessed with a field trip to the Life Science Lab located at the Helene Lange School in Hannover. We received expert guidance by Mrs. Freiberger and Ms. Braun providing us with all the tools to complete a vital mission and discover the answer to the burning question: Who brought the Corona virus into the home of Mr. X?

Mrs Freiberger explaining the lab work

We learned about the particular Sars-CoV 19 virus and the intricacies of the immune system. An advanced explanation of the mRNA vaccine and the mechanisms of different testing methods went far beyond our curriculum. The highlight of the day was the ELISA test, which we were able to conduct ourselves under the most professional lab conditions

Professional lab set-up and equipment

This workshop offered us an eye-opening insight into the world of applied science, which we would have never been able to have in school. For everybody out there interested in this carrier path: Patience is key!

Thanks to the sponsors, especially the School Biology Center (Schulbiologiezentrum Hannover), for making this amazing program possible.

Our ELISA results: We all found out who brought the Corona virus into the home of Mr. X

Seyhan Orbeyi and Ziyu Wang (and the IB Biology class of Mrs Braun)

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